• Brand design
  • Brand guidelines
  • Brand positioning
  • Brand story
  • Brand strategy
  • Campaigns
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Tone of voice
  • Visual identity

Saint Kentigern is one of New Zealand’s largest independent schools with two extraordinary campuses housing four schools located in Auckland – Saint Kentigern Preschool, Girls’ School, Boys’ School, and the College.

Saint Kentigern is an organisation and community steeped in the Presbyterian faith with strong Scottish ties and heritage. Our brief from the client was succinct and powerful: “Unify our schools under one master brand, include our community and Old Collegians, develop a compelling shared brand signature and tagline, whilst ensuring all tenets and traditions we hold dear become part of the revised brand”.


The opportunity was evident – four schools, one learning journey and the ability to offer intergenerational learning underpinned by hard work and deep faith. To galvanise what was a heavy piece of strategic brand lifting, Voice developed a series of crisp ideas. The driving idea is ‘Life-changing’, a brand vision that ‘fostered academic excellence by becoming a leader in Presbyterian education’, and a multi-level shared brand signature ‘Choose to believe’. Combined together in a series of easy-to-use brand guideline collateral for staff, these ideas invite audiences to embrace a larger purpose, have faith in the capability of Saint Kentigern, and believe in the power of a Presbyterian education to transform lives.


The Saint Kentigern
brand is a set of values.
‘Fides Servanda Est’ has stuck with me my entire life post College. It continues to ground me and I reflect back on it often, it is core to what Saint Kentigern is. It is a foundation for me and why
I will send my kids there.

Old Collegian

The project culminated
two years of work with
Saint Kentigern and the broader community, developing a rich understanding that
resulted in a forward-facing brand, anchored in faith.

Jonno Sagar,
Creative Director

© 2024 Voice Brand Agency


A1/ 1 Beresford Square, Auckland Central 1010


+64 9 373 5086

© 2024 Voice Brand AgencyCELEBRATING25 YEARSMade by Avenue